Ongoing Studies

  • Trust in Research: This study seeks to improve health outcomes in communities by recruiting participants to understand feelings towards health research.  
  • Impact of COVID: This study is being done to help understand the impact of COVID-19 and factors associated with social distancing and consequences of social distancing.  
  • New Jersey Population Health Cohort Study: We are reaching out to communities across New Jersey to launch a research study that captures the diverse experiences of New Jersey families. This study will produce health data that reflects New Jersey’s diversity, will inform decisions in your community, and ensure fair and just opportunities for New Jerseyans to lead healthy lives.  
    • Eligibility: New Jersey resident 14 years or older from an immigrant community and/or multigenerational household 
    • Learn more about the study and how to participate: XX 
  • RCMAR ^ could look like one of these if we want to add more